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JSON Examples

Kasa Smart™ API Doc V1.0.23

Scroll down for example requests and responses.

Document Version: 1.0.23
Status: Released
Released Date: Dec 20th 2018
Last Updated: Aug 19th 2024

Authorization URL:


Kasa Smart APIs enables access to control an account’s devices over the cloud.

DISCLAIMER This document is currently in a DRAFT status and will change in coming months.
We do not guarantee the API will be backwards compatible but we will always keep this in mind for future releases of the API.
All API requests need to be authenticated and authorized. Authentication and authorization is implemented using standard OAuth2.0 scheme.
This is described in detail in the Authentication section of this document.

Request Object

Header Parameters

Parameter In Type Required Description
Authorization header string true Bearer [token]
Content-Type header string true application/json
X-Api-Key header string true API key issued during OAuth 2.0 registration.
X-Client-Id header string true Client ID issued during OAuth 2.0 registration.
X-Request-Id header string false A unique id to correlate the request and response.

Body Parameters

Sample Body parameter

  "data": {
    "powered": true

All requests which requires body parameters must be a JSON object in the request body.
Most of the APIs have a common request format as specified in the example section on the right side.
Notice that all request body params have "data" in it, this encapsulates the request data object of the service, that needs to be called.
Please use the schema section to determine the correct data object for a service.

Path Parameters

Parameters within the path of the endpoint, before the query string (?). These are set off within curly braces.
Path parameters are part of the endpoint itself and are not optional.
For example, {deviceId} and {scheduleId} are the path parameters in the following endpoint:
GET /devices/{deviceId}/schedules/{scheduleId}

Query String Parameters

Query string parameters appear after a question mark (?) in the endpoint.
The question mark followed by the parameters and their values is referred to as the “query string.”
In the query string, each parameter is listed one right after the other with an ampersand (&) separating them.
The order of the query string parameters does not matter. For example:
GET /devices/{deviceId}/energy-consumption?month=<xx>&year=<xxxx>

Response Object

200 Sample Response json { "requestId": "thisissamplerequestid" }

API response is always a JSON object with HTTP Content-Type header as ‘application/json’.

HTTP Status Codes

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The request has succeeded. Response
302 Found The target resource resides temporarily under a different URI. None
400 Bad Request The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. Response
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. Response
403 Forbidden The server understood the request but refuses to authorize it. Response
429 Too Many Requests The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting"). Response
500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. Response
503 Service Unavailable The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Response

Successful Response

200 Sample Response with data

    "requestId": "thisisasamplerequestid",
    "data": {
        "device": {
            "id": "thisisasampledeviceid",
            "name": "Device name",
            "model": "Device model",
            "type": "Device Type",
            "online": true,
            "capability": [
            "hardwareVersion": "1.0",
            "softwareVersion": "1.0.6 Build 180627 Rel.081000"
        "state": {
            "powered": false
    "responseTime": 110

Successful response object will always have request ID. Request ID can be system generated or user specified if given in the header request.
In case where service is suppose to provide some data; response object will also have a "data" object which is the actual response data for the respective API call.

Error Response

Example Error Response

  "requestId": "string",
  "msg": "string",
  "code": "string"

Apart from HTTP status codes, in case of any error; response object will contain a custom error code. This will help identifying an issue. It will also contain a user friendly error message indicating what might have go wrong, and with a request ID.

Custom Error Codes

Error Code Description
DEVICE_NOT_RESPONDING In case of no device heartbeat
DEVICE_OFFLINE Device is offline
UNAUTHORIZED In case of invalid token or account
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS Too many requests
INVALID_HEADER Invalid ClientID or ApiKey
CAPABILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED Occurs when the device do not support the requested functionality
BAD_REQUEST Can occur when there is invalid Content-Type or invalid argument
NOT_FOUND In case when required data is not found


TP-LINK OAuth 2.0 Server acts as an authentication gateway for all IoT APIs exposed by TP-LINK.
The server implements the OAuth 2.0 protocol, and is complaint to RFC-6749 specifications.
The implementation has support for grant type of Authorization ErrorCode and Refresh Token.


The user is presented with a login form with client details, to sign in to an existing TP-LINK cloud account.

Upon successful authentication the OAuth server sends a HTTP 302 redirect to the redirect URL provided by the client during registration with an authorization code.

Authorization Base URL =


GET /oauth/authorize?client_id=<CLIENT_ID>&response_type=<code>&state=<CLIENT_STATE>&scope=<device_control>&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT_URI>



Parameter Type Required Description
client_id string true CLIENT_ID
response_type string true code
state string true CLIENT_STATE
scope string true device_control
redirect_uri string true REDIRECT_URI


Status Meaning Description
302 Found <REDIRECT_URL>?error=ERROR&error_description=ERROR_DESC&state=CLIENT_STAT

Access Token

200 Sample Response

  "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN",
  "refresh_token": "REFRESH_TOKEN",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 2592000

Sample Error Response

  "error_description": "Missing parameters: client_secret",
  "error": "invalid_request"

Issues an access token for a provided authorization code or refresh token. The issued access token is valid for 15 days

Grant Type: Authorization Code


POST /oauth/access_token?client_id=<CLIENT_ID>&grant_type=authorization_code&code=<AUTHORIZATION_CODE>&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT_URI>&client_secret=<CLIENT_SECRET>



Parameter Type Required Description
client_id string true CLIENT_ID
grant_type string true authorization_code
code string true AUTHORIZATION_CODE
redirect_uri string true REDIRECT_URI
client_secret string true CLIENT_SECRET


Name Type Description
access_token string none
refresh_token string none
token_type string none
expires_in string none

Grant Type: Refresh Token


POST /oauth/access_token?client_id=<CLIENT_ID>&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=<REFRESH_TOKEN>&client_secret=<CLIENT_SECRET>



Parameter Type Required Description
client_id string true CLIENT_ID
grant_type string true refresh_token
refresh_token string true REFRESH_TOKEN
client_secret string true CLIENT_SECRET


Name Type Description
access_token string none
refresh_token string none
token_type string none
expires_in string none

Unlink user's integration with Kasa account, the unlink base URL is API base URL:

POST /account/unlink




Sample Response

  "requestId": "request-id-string",
  "data": {},
  "responseTime": 110


Name Type Description
requestId string API request ID
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Device Discovery

Device Discovery

200 Sample Response

    "requestId": "thisisasamplerequestid",
    "data": {
        "accountId": "thisisasampleaccountid",
        "devices": [
                "id": "thisisasampledeviceid",
                "name": "Meeting Room Plug",
                "description": "Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring",
                "model": "HS110",
                "type": "devices.types.Outlet",
                "online": true,
                "capability": [
                "hardwareVersion": "1.0",
                "softwareVersion": "1.2.5 Build 171206 Rel.085954",
                "id": "thisisanothersampledeviceid",
                "name": "Bedroom light",
                "description": "Smart Wi-Fi LED Bulb with Color Changing",
                "model": "KL130",
                "type": "devices.types.Light",
                "online": false,
                "capability": [
                "metadata": {
                    "minColorTemperature": 2500,
                    "maxColorTemperature": 9000
                "hardwareVersion": "1.0",
                "softwareVersion": "1.8.6 Build 180809 Rel.091659",
    "responseTime": 2392

Discovery service returns all available devices for an account. List contains device object containing device information.
Click on the "Device" link below to get to device schema.


GET /devices





Name Type Description
accountId string Kasa accountId of the user
devices [Device] List of available devices
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Device Info

Device Info

Provides device details such as name, type, model, capabilities and device state. Capabilities shows device capability such as energy monitoring support or color spectrum support (in case of smart bulb) etc. Device state provides device current state mode such as if the device is powered or switched off. "Online" status shows if the device is connected or not.

200 Sample Response

    "requestId": "thisisasamplerequestid",
    "data": {
        "device": {
            "id": "thisisasampledeviceid",
            "name": "Dinning Room Plug",
            "description": "Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring",
            "model": "HS110",
            "type": "devices.types.Outlet",
            "online": true,
            "capability": [
            "hardwareVersion": "1.0",
            "softwareVersion": "1.2.5 Build 171206 Rel.085954",
        "state": {
            "powered": true
    "responseTime": 399


GET /devices/{deviceId}


Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device



Name Type Description
device Device Device model for accessing device information
state State State model to change device state
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Device Control

Device On/ Off

This API can be used to switch device power ON/ or OFF.

Sample Request

  "data": {
    "powered": true,
    "transitionPeriod": 10000


POST /devices/{deviceId}/power

Name Type Description
powered boolean Turn power on/off
transitionPeriod integer(int32) Range: (0-10000) ms
Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device


Sample Response

  "requestId": "string",
  "responseTime": 419


Name Type Description
requestId string API request ID
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Change Device Color

Changes device color spectrum. Uses hue, saturation and brightness (HSB) values provided in the API body.

Sample Request

  "data": {
    "color": {
      "hsb": {
        "hue": 0,
        "saturation": 0,
        "brightness": 0
    "transitionPeriod": 10000


POST /devices/{deviceId}/color

Name Type Description
color Color Color model for adjusting device color
transitionPeriod integer(int32) Range: (0-10000) ms
Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device


Sample Response

  "requestId": "string",
  "responseTime": 100


Name Type Description
requestId string API request ID
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Change Color Temperature

Changes device color temperature based on kelvin value provided in API body.

Sample Request

  "data": {
    "colorTemperature": 0,
    "transitionPeriod": 10000


POST /devices/{deviceId}/color-temperature

Name Type Description
colorTemperature integer(int32) Describe the light appearance. It is measured in degrees of Kelvin (K). Use Device Info API to find minimum and maximum range
transitionPeriod integer(int32) Range: (0-10000) ms
Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device


Sample Response

  "requestId": "string",
  "responseTime": 201


Name Type Description
requestId string API request ID
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Change Brightness

Change or dim device brightness.

Sample Request

  "data": {
    "brightness": 0,
    "transitionPeriod": 10000


POST /devices/{deviceId}/brightness

Name Type Description
brightness integer(int32) Range: (0-100)
transitionPeriod integer(int32) Range: (0-10000) ms
Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device


Sample Response

  "requestId": "string",
  "responseTime": 211


Name Type Description
requestId string API request ID
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Energy Consumption

Energy Consumption by Day

200 Sample Response

    "requestId": "thisisasamplerequestid",
    "data": {
        "energyStats": [
                "day": 1,
                "energyWattHour": 57
                "day": 2,
                "energyWattHour": 58
                "day": 3,
                "energyWattHour": 57
                "day": 4,
                "energyWattHour": 58
                "day": 5,
                "energyWattHour": 58
                "day": 6,
                "energyWattHour": 57
                "day": 7,
                "energyWattHour": 58
                "day": 8,
                "energyWattHour": 26
    "responseTime": 529

Provides energy usage aggregated by day.
For energy usage aggregated by day we support only past 30 days of data.
So if you are in the middle of the month, previous months data will only show days which lie within past 30 days. See examples below,

Case: 1
Today is March 1st 2019, and I want February 2019 data
Request: /devices/{deviceId}/energy-consumption?month=2&year=2019&groupBy=day
Response: Day 1 to Day 28 of February data.

Case: 2
Today is March 1st 2019, and I want January 2019 data
Request: /devices/{deviceId}/energy-consumption?month=1&year=2019&groupBy=day
Response: Day 31st of January data only.

Case: 3
Today is March 1st 2019, and I want March 2019 data
Request: /devices/{deviceId}/energy-consumption?month=3&year=2019&groupBy=day
Response: Day 1st of March data only.


GET /devices/{deviceId}/energy-consumption?month=<xx>&year=<xxxx>&groupBy=day


Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device
Parameter Type Required Description
month int true Month number
year int true Year
groupBy string true day


Name Type Description
energyStats [EnergyStats] [List of Energy statistics of a device]
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Energy Consumption by Month

200 Sample Response

    "requestId": "thisisasamplerequestid",
    "data": {
        "energyStats": [
                "month": 3,
                "energyWattHour": 57
                "month": 4,
                "energyWattHour": 58
                "month": 5,
                "energyWattHour": 57
                "month": 6,
                "energyWattHour": 58
                "month": 7,
                "energyWattHour": 58
                "month": 8,
                "energyWattHour": 57
                "month": 9,
                "energyWattHour": 58
                "month": 10,
                "energyWattHour": 26
                "month": 11,
                "energyWattHour": 58
                "month": 12,
                "energyWattHour": 26
    "responseTime": 429

Provides energy usage aggregated by month.
For energy usage aggregated by month we support only past 12 months of data.
Month is optional, in case if month is not provided for the year it will show all months which lie within the past 12 months of the specified year. See examples below,

Case: 1
Current month/ year is February 2019, and I want 2018 monthly data
Request: /devices/{deviceId}/energy-consumption?year=2018&groupBy=month
Response: March to December 2018 data only.

Case: 2
Current month/ year is February 2019, and I want September 2018 data
Request: /devices/{deviceId}/energy-consumption?month=9&year=2018&groupBy=month
Response: September 2018 data only.

Case: 3
Current month/ year is June 2019, and I want 2019 data
Request: /devices/{deviceId}/energy-consumption?year=2019&groupBy=month
Response: January to June 2019 data only.


GET /devices/{deviceId}/energy-consumption?month=<xx>&year=<xxxx>&groupBy=month


Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device
Parameter Type Required Description
month int true Month number
year int true Year
groupBy string true month


Name Type Description
energyStats [EnergyStats] [List of Energy statistics of a device]
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Delete All Energy Stats

Erases all previous energy consumption stats of the device.


DELETE /devices/{deviceId}/energy-consumption


Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device



Name Type Description
requestId string API request ID
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

200 Sample Response

  "requestId": "string",
  "responseTime": 112

Get Real Time Energy Stats

200 Sample Response

    "requestId": "thisisasamplerequestid",
    "data": {
        "realTimeStat": {
            "currentAmps": 0.077109,
            "VoltageVolts": 120.331222,
            "powerWatts": 8.589514,
            "totalKWs": 2.367
    "responseTime": 538

Provides real time energy usage.


GET /devices/{deviceId}/realtime-energy-consumption


Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device



Name Type Description
realTimeStat RealTimeStat Real Time Energy Stat
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Energy Specific Error Codes

Error Code Description
OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION When year/ month in request is either in future or too old


Get Runtime by Day

200 Sample Response

    "requestId": "thisisasamplerequestid",
    "data": {
        "runtimeStats": [
                "day": 1,
                "usageMins": 1440
                "day": 2,
                "usageMins": 1054
                "day": 3,
                "usageMins": 0
                "day": 4,
                "usageMins": 565
                "day": 5,
                "usageMins": 1440
                "day": 6,
                "usageMins": 1439
                "day": 7,
                "usageMins": 1440
    "responseTime": 538

Provides runtime (usage) aggregated by day.
For runtime usage aggregated by day we support only past 30 days of data.
So if you are in the middle of the month, previous months data will only show days which lie within past 30 days. See examples below,

Case: 1
Today is March 1st 2019, and I want February 2019 data
Request: /devices/{deviceId}/runtime?month=2&year=2019&groupBy=day
Response: Day 1 to Day 28 of February data.

Case: 2
Today is March 1st 2019, and I want January 2019 data
Request: /devices/{deviceId}/runtime?month=1&year=2019&groupBy=day
Response: Day 31st of January data only.

Case: 3
Today is March 1st 2019, and I want March 2019 data
Request: /devices/{deviceId}/runtime?month=3&year=2019&groupBy=day
Response: Day 1st of March data only.


GET /devices/{deviceId}/runtime?month=<xx>&year<xxxx>&groupBy=day


Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device
Parameter In Type Required Description
month query int true Month number
year query int true Year
groupBy query string true day


Name Type Description
runtimeStats [RuntimeStat] List of Device usage statistics
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Get Runtime by Month

200 Sample Response

    "requestId": "thisisasamplerequestid",
    "data": {
        "energyStats": [
                "month": 3,
                "usageMins": 57
                "month": 4,
                "usageMins": 58
                "month": 5,
                "usageMins": 57
                "month": 6,
                "usageMins": 58
                "month": 7,
                "usageMins": 58
                "month": 8,
                "usageMins": 57
                "month": 9,
                "usageMins": 58
                "month": 10,
                "usageMins": 26
                "month": 11,
                "usageMins": 58
                "month": 12,
                "usageMins": 26
    "responseTime": 538

Provides runtime (usage) aggregated by month.
For runtime usage aggregated by month we support only past 12 months of data.
Month is optional, in case if month is not provided for the year it will show all months which lie within the past 12 months of the specified year. See examples below,

Case: 1
Current month/ year is February 2019, and I want 2018 monthly data
Request: /devices/{deviceId}/runtime?year=2018&groupBy=month
Response: March to December 2018 data only.

Case: 2
Current month/ year is February 2019, and I want September 2018 data
Request: /devices/{deviceId}/runtime?month=9&year=2018&groupBy=month
Response: September 2018 data only.

Case: 3
Current month/ year is June 2019, and I want 2019 data
Request: /devices/{deviceId}/runtime?year=2019&groupBy=month
Response: January to June 2019 data only.


GET /devices/{deviceId}/runtime?month=<xx>&year<xxxx>&groupBy=month


Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device
Parameter In Type Required Description
month query int true Month number
year query int true Year
groupBy query string true month


Name Type Description
runtimeStats [RuntimeStat] [List of Energy statistics of a device]
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Runtime Specific Error Codes

Error Code Description
OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION When year/ month in request is either in future or too old


Get All Schedules

200 Sample Response

    "requestId": "thisisasamplerequestid",
    "data": {
        "schedules": [
                "id": "thisisasamplescheduleid",
                "name": "Turn on",
                "enabled": true,
                "frequency": {
                    "repeating": {
                        "weekdays": [
                            "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", "SUNDAY"
                        "timeOfDay": "1800"
                "state": {
                    "powered": true
                "timeOption": "TIME"
                "id": "anothersamplescheduleid",
                "name": "Turn off",
                "enabled": true,
                "frequency": {
                    "oneTime": {
                        "scheduleTime": "2018-12-27T07:00"
                "state": {
                    "powered": false
                "timeOption": "TIME"
    "responseTime": 538

List all schedules of a device.


GET /devices/{deviceId}/schedules


Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device



Name Type Description
schedules [Schedule] List of schedules
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Get a Schedule

200 Sample Response

    "requestId": "thisisasamplerequestid",
    "data": {
        "schedule": {
            "id": "anothersamplescheduleid",
            "name": "Turn off",
            "enabled": true,
            "frequency": {
                "oneTime": {
                    "scheduleTime": "2019-01-27T07:00"
            "state": {
                "powered": false
            "timeOption": "TIME"
    "responseTime": 538

Gets a schedule of a device.


GET /devices/{deviceId}/schedules/{scheduleId}


Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device
scheduleId string Schedule ID for accessing schedule



Name Type Description
schedule Schedule Schedule object
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Create Schedule

200 Sample Request Payload

    "data": {
        "schedule": {
            "name": "Turn on Lights",
            "enabled": true,
            "frequency": {
                "repeating": {
                    "weekdays": [
                        "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", "SUNDAY"
                    "timeOfDay": "1800"
            "state": {
                "powered": true,
                "color": {
                  "hsb": {
                    "hue": 100,
                    "saturation": 100,
                    "brightness": 100
                "colorTemperature": 4500,
                "mode": "CUSTOMIZE_PRESET",
                "brightness": 100
            "timeOption": "TIME"

200 Sample Response

    "requestId": "thisisasamplerequestid",
    "data": {
        "schedule": {
            "id": "newscheduleid"
    "responseTime": 538

Schedules an action on a device.


POST /devices/{deviceId}/schedules

Name Type Required Description
schedule Schedule true Schedule without ID
Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device



Name Type Description
schedule Schedule New Schedule with ID
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Update Schedule

200 Sample Request Payload

    "data": {
        "schedule": {
            "id": "thisisasamplescheduleid",
            "name": "Updated Name",
            "enabled": true,
            "frequency": {
                "oneTime": {
                    "scheduleTime": "2019-12-31T19:05"
            "state": {
                "powered": true
            "timeOption": "TIME"

Update existing schedule of a device.


POST /devices/{deviceId}/schedules/{scheduleId}

Name Type In Required Description
schedule Schedule body true Schedule with ID
Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device
scheduleId string Schedule ID for accessing schedule


Sample Response

  "requestId": "string",
  "responseTime": 538


Name Type Description
requestId string API request ID
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Remove all schedules

Removes all schedules of a device.


DELETE /devices/{deviceId}/schedules


Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device


200 Sample Response

  "requestId": "string",
  "responseTime": 538


Name Type Description
requestId string API request ID
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Remove a schedule

Removes schedule from a device.


DELETE /devices/{deviceId}/schedules/{scheduleId}


Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device
scheduleId string Schedule ID for accessing schedule


200 Sample Response

  "requestId": "string",
  "responseTime": 538


Name Type Description
requestId string API request ID
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Get Next/ Upcoming Schedule

Gets the next upcoming schedule of a device.

200 Example Response

    "requestId": "thisisasamplerequestid",
    "data": {
        "schedule": {
            "id": "thisisasamplescheduleid",
            "name": "Next Schedule",
            "enabled": true,
            "frequency": {
                "repeating": {
                    "weekdays": [
                    "timeOfDay": "0128"
            "state": {
                "powered": false
            "timeOption": "TIME"
    "responseTime": 538


GET /devices/{deviceId}/schedules/next


Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device



Name Type Description
schedule Schedule Next Schedule
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Schedule Specific Error Codes

Error Code Description
SCHEDULE_CONFLICT When another schedule running at the same time


Account Timezone

Retrieves account timezone.

Example responses

200 Response

  "data": {
    "timezoneId": "string"
  "responseTime": 56


GET /account/timezone





Name Type Description
timezoneId string Accounts Timezone ID
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Device Timezone

Retrieve device timezone

Example responses

200 Response

  "data": {
    "timezoneId": "string"
  "responseTime": 56


GET /devices/{deviceId}/timezone


Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device



Name Type Description
timezoneId string Accounts Timezone ID
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds

Sync Device Timezone

Overwrite device timezone information with account timezone configuration. Account timezoneId is returned in the response.

Example responses

200 Response

  "data": {
    "timezoneId": "string"
  "responseTime": 56


POST /devices/{deviceId}/timezone


Name Type Description
deviceId string Device ID for accessing device



Name Type Description
timezoneId string Accounts Timezone ID
responseTime integer(int32) API response time in milliseconds


Success Response

  "requestId": "string"


Name Type Description
requestId string none

Error Response

  "requestId": "string",
  "msg": "string",
  "code": "string"


Name Type Description
requestId string none
msg string Error message
code string Error code


  "powered": true


Name Type Description
powered boolean none


  "hsb": {
    "hue": 0,
    "saturation": 0,
    "brightness": 0

Color model for adjusting device color


Name Type Description
hsb HSB Hue, Saturation, Brightness (color model) for adjusting device color


  "hue": 0,
  "saturation": 0,
  "brightness": 0

Hue, Saturation, Brightness (color model) for adjusting device color


Name Type Required Description
hue number(double) true Range: (0-360)
saturation number(double) true Range: (0-100)
brightness integer(int32) true Range: (0-100)

Color Temperature

  "colorTemperature": 0


Name Type Description
colorTemperature integer(int32) Describe the light appearance. It is measured in degrees of Kelvin (K). Use Device Info API to find minimum and maximum range


  "brightness": 0


Name Type Description
brightness integer(int32) Range: (0-100)


  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "model": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "online": true,
  "capability": [
  "metadata": {
    "minColorTemperature": 0,
    "maxColorTemperature": 0
  "hardwareVersion": "string",
  "softwareVersion": "string"

Device model for accessing device information


Name Type Description
id string Device ID
name string Device name
description string Description
model string The model number with region – HS100(US) or HS100(EU)
type Type A unique key for identifying the device type.
online boolean Device connection status
capability [Capability] List of device capabilities
metadata DeviceMeta Device meta information
hardwareVersion string Device hardware version
softwareVersion string Device software version
macAddress string Mac Address of the device

Device Type

  "type": "string"

Supported device types


Name Type Description
devices.types.Light string Smart Bulbs
devices.types.Outlet string Smart Plugs
devices.types.Switch string Smart Switches

Device Capability

  "capability": [

List of capabilities (list of string) that the device supports


Name Type Description
traits.devices.OnOff string Power On/Off
traits.devices.Brightness string Change brightness
traits.devices.ColorTemperature string Change color temperature
traits.devices.ColorSpectrum string Change color
traits.devices.EnergyMonitoring string Energy Stats
traits.devices.Schedule string Schedule an action
traits.devices.RuntimeStats string Runtime stats

Device Meta

  "minColorTemperature": 0,
  "maxColorTemperature": 0

Device metadata


Name Type Description
minColorTemperature integer(int32) Minimum color temperature varies per device, can be used when changing color temperature of a supported device
maxColorTemperature integer(int32) Maximum color temperature varies per device, can be used when changing color temperature of a supported device


  "powered": true,
  "color": {
    "hsb": {
      "hue": 0,
      "saturation": 0,
      "brightness": 0
  "colorTemperature": 0,
  "mode": "string",
  "brightness": 0

State model to change device state


Name Type Required Description
powered boolean true (On: true, Off: false)
color Color false Color object
colorTemperature integer(int32) false Describe the light appearance. It is measured in degrees of Kelvin (K)
mode mode false Acceptable values: CIRCADIAN, LAST_STATUS, CUSTOMIZE_PRESET
brightness integer(int32) false Range: (0-100)


  "mode": "string"

Use these mode values while setting up schedule for smart bulbs


Name Type Description
LAST_STATUS string (Default) Last known device state
CIRCADIAN string Circadian rhythms
CUSTOMIZE_PRESET string Custom values for brightness, color, color temperature

Energy Stats

  "day": 0,
  "month": 0,
  "energyWattHour": 0

Energy statistics of a device


Name Type Description
day integer(int32) Day of a month. Only displayed in case of groupBy "day"
month integer(int32) Month of a year. Only displayed in case of groupBy "month"
energyWattHour number(double) Energy stat in wh

Runtime Stat

  "day": 0,
  "month": 0,
  "usageMins": 0


Name Type Description
day integer(int32) Day of a month. Only displayed in case of groupBy "day"
month integer(int32) Month of a year. Only displayed in case of groupBy "month"
usageMins number(double) Device usage in minutes


  "oneTime": {
    "scheduleTime": "string"
  "repeating": {
    "weekdays": [
    "timeOfDay": "string"


Name Type Required Description
oneTime OneTime false One time schedule runs on a specific date and time
repeating Repeating false Repeating schedule runs at given time of day(s)


  "scheduleTime": "string"


Name Type Required Description
scheduleTime string false Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm (User time in ISO-8601)


  "weekdays": [
  "timeOfDay": "string"


Name Type Required Description
timeOfDay string false Format: HHmm (24 Hour Clock/ Military Time)


  "schedule": {
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "enabled": true,
    "frequency": {
      "oneTime": {
        "scheduleTime": "string"
      "repeating": {
        "weekdays": [
        "timeOfDay": "string"
    "state": {
      "powered": true,
      "color": {
        "hsb": {
          "hue": 0,
          "saturation": 0,
          "brightness": 0
      "colorTemperature": 0,
      "mode": "string",
      "brightness": 0
    "timeOption": "string"

Schedule model for managing device schedules


Name Type Required Description
id string false Schedule ID
name string false Name of a schedule, allowed length: 32 characters
enabled boolean false To enable or disable
frequency Frequency false Repeating or OneTime
state State false State object with specific action specified
timeOption string false Allowed Values: TIME, SUNRISE, SUNSET


  "timezoneId": "string"


Name Type Required Description
timezoneId string false Timezone ID Example: "Asia/Shanghai"

Real time Stat

    "realTimeStat": {
        "currentAmps": 0.077109,
        "VoltageVolts": 120.331222,
        "powerWatts": 8.589514,
        "totalKWs": 2.367


Name Type Required Description
currentAmps double false Current value in Amps
VoltageVolts double false Voltage value in Volts
powerWatts double true Power value in Watts
totalKWs double false Total in kW